Thursday, May 8, 2014

Why Does the Universe Exist?

Why Does the Universe Exist?
Why there is something instead of nothing?

Is 2+2 still 4 even if there is nothing 'material' to count?
If yes, then, is " n / (n+1) " still trending towards 1 even after ∞-1 or ∞+1 steps even if we don't actually compute the result anywhere?
If yes, does the Game of Life still 'continue' after we stop calculating it? It's predetermined anyway, and anyone who starts with that set and those rules will reach the same results, whether calculating them for the first time, carrying on where left over, or going on with a new calculation with the same starting condition.
Does the Mandelbrot set infinity exist even for the places nobody has ever yet zoomed in to, or ever will?
Could there be a 4-dimensional equivalent of the Game of Life let's say with some formulas and logarithmically repeating sinusoides explaining 'influences' of transfers of 'energy', that could carry on infinitely from any starting point?
Would this 'alternate' version of the Game of Life still carry on even if nobody is computing it, just because of the formula for it existing somewhere?
Would this formula still exist in the mathematical realm even if nobody in our Cosmos has thought about it or written it down?
What about any other formula that expresses any other different combination of influences?
What would happen if any of these alternative formulas was able to carry on increasing complexity to a point of creating more than pretty structures, but overly complex structures 'self perpetuating' structures, even sentient?
And since at this, since these hypothetical formulas would exist in the mathematical realm, we can make them 10 or more dimensional. They can be infinitely complex, and ∞+1 complex, and still 'contained' inside the formula, like a fractal is contained and still infinite in complexity.
Any start condition could be part of the formula, since they don't need a sentient mind to think them in order to come to existence.

So, why does the Universe or any version of Multiverse Exist? Why there is something instead of nothing?

Because the formula for the relations and transformations of the bits of 'energy' (and mass) exists in the mathematical realm and can be carried over infinitely, without the need to be computed anywhere. And from those relations and transformations, the complex structures we see in our Cosmos come to exist, and life comes to exist, and sentience comes and wonders about the Cosmos and Universe. And imagination comes to make sense of it all, turning it from simple mathematical relations to Life.

The Uni/Multiverse cannot not exist!

Selected feedback from the peer review process:

Greg Egan's science fiction novel "Permutation City", exploring virtual universe and civilizations by emulation and mathematical rules, and much more:

The Mathematical Universe Hypothesis, a speculative "theory of everything" proposed by the cosmologist Max Tegmark:

A theoretical analysis why numbers don't exist:

Thank you all who, with your eyes and attention, expanded my awareness to supporting or rejecting theories.