Friday, March 11, 2016

FUC 2016

This is an old snapshot. For current progress see


#FUC2016 is the competitive event finalizing the year's efforts of participating teams.

* We are seeking promoters and organizers, collectively called 'the BAUniC RETwarmy'. Current gathering place is @Virtua1Universe in twitter, and

* Great resource to use:
* Great jump forward in some theories regarding fractal universes:

Final date to present projects will be November 13, and voting will end on November 25, 2016, allowing adequate time for judges to test them and reach their conclusions.

Projects presented need to be consistent instructions on how to reproduce the results, including instruction set (x86, ARM...), Operating System (Windows, Linux...), program (and where to get the program), and steps to get from the seeding code to the rendered results.

Competition categories (so far):
Best Formula

GoTeamAlbania (
TheAlien5cientists (
S0S_Universe_Team (no project presented yet)
196883 (no project presented yet, seeking new members that already know 196883, at
PES_Golly (

Nominated Challengers:
PETU (People for the Ethical Treatment of Universes)

Bitcoin donations are gathered here:
Treasurer, Nathan Fisher of the channel Nate's Turn (

During 2016, 1 Bitcoin of donations will be rewarded with 1024 votes rounded down to the lowest integer vote.

Current Coin Pot: 0 (zero)
(what we need is intellectual contribution, the coins are here just to tease and gather eternal support through the mechanism of vote deflation)

Votes (for each category) will be given by voters to the projects they see fit in any order or arrangement. (For example, if I have 10 votes, I may wish to give all of them to only 1 project on the 'Best Formula' category, and give 3-3-2-1-1 votes on the 'Best Tutorial' category, and pass on the decision to my mate in the 'Best Scenery' category.)
Projects will be ordered by number of votes in their respective category.


Participating teams will be rewarded with symbolic votes, 7 votes for their main project in the chosen category, +5 votes for a tutorial to building a similar project (not just steps to reproducing the results), and +3, +2, +1 votes for participating in other categories.
Finalists will also have a symbolic vote gift, +13 votes for making it to the finals of their chosen category, +11 votes for the tutorial finals, and respectively +6, +4 and +2 if they make it to more categories.
Winners will also have a symbolic vote gift, +19 votes for winning their chosen category, +17 if they win the tutorial race, and +9, +6, +3 if they win more categories.

These votes will be dispensed after the competition event and be valid from that moment on, not before.

Virtual Universe: zero votes (I'd rather help in other ways, virtualuniverse.the at gmail)
Shqep Palla: zero votes (can't deflate that, shqepalla at gmail)
Nathan Fisher: zero votes (the Treasurer,
Rubin Gurabardhi: zero votes (will do a website redesign if there comes a need for it,

Since this is a human-to-human collaboration project, votes are less important than actually brainstorming and bringing forth something worthy, rewarding in more ways than just dropping a preference on a project.


20160420 - Encouraging participation by giving away symbolic votes.
20160507 - BAUniC RETwarmy

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

FUC by example

This is an old snapshot. For current progress see


Instead of decreasing the quantity of votes proportional to the prizes delivered to the Fractal Universe Challenge (FUC) winners, I thought it will be better keeping the exact number of votes already out, and decreasing the prize of purchase of new votes. The rates are exactly the same but this way is better for peace of mind and calculations.

The formula of the necessary exchanges are:

Year(n)VotePrice = Year(n-1)VotePrice * Year(n-1)FUCpotBeforeChallenge / Year(n-1)FUCpotFinal
Year(n)FUCpotFinal = Year(n-1)FUCpotFinal + Donations - DeliveredPrizes

For example:

Year 1: Votes are sold at 1:1
Alice donates 10 coins, buys 10 votes.
Bob donates 20 coins, buys 20 votes and gives half of his voting decision for the next few challenges to Alice to impress her.
Clara will write & photograph #FUC over her buttocks for donations in her name to the FUC project, and gathers 35 votes this way.
Total votes: 65 (Alice 10+10; Bob 20-10; Clara 35)
FUCpotBC (BeforeChallenge): 65 (enough for one challenge at 25; 1st prize 10, 2nd prize 5, 3rd prize 4, 4th prize 3, 5th prize 2, 6th prize 1)
Challenge takes 15 coins instead of 25 because only 2 projects are actually working with replicable results.
FUCpotFinal: 50 (enough for another challenge next year even without new donations)

Year 2: Votes sold at 50/65 of last year's price.
Daniel donates 10 coins, buys 13 votes.
Total votes: 78 (Alice 20; Bob 10; Clara 35; Daniel 13)
FUCpotBC: 60
Challenge takes 25
FUCpotFinal: 35

Year 3: Votes are sold at 35/60 of last year's price, (35*50)/(60*65)
Evi donates 10 coins, buys 22 votes.
Total votes: 100 (Alice 10; Bob 20; Clara 35; Daniel 13; Evi 22)
FUCpotBC: 45 (not enough for a challenge as prizes could take more than 50% of the pot)
Challenge forced hiatus. FUCpotFinal = FUCpotBC

Year 4: Votes are sold at Y3 prizes, ~10/22 of Y1
Viral marketing donations get 1000 coins, 2228 votes
Total votes: 2328 (100 Y3 voters, 2228 Y4 voters)
FUCpotBC: 1045 (enough for the arranged maximum of 5 challenges a year)
Challenge takes 100 coins from 125 max (some prizes go unclaimed, some project discarded)
FUCpotFinal: 945

Year 5: Votes are sold at 945/1045 of Y4 price
Fabian donates 10 coins, buys 24 votes (rounded down integers)
Total votes: 2352
FUCpotBC: 955
Challenge takes 125 coins (all prizes of all 5 challenges are delivered, worthy projects)
FUCpotFinal: 830

Year 6: Votes are sold at 830/945 of Y5 price
10 coin donation buys 28 votes, 1 coin donation buys 2 votes
And so on. Which is as intended for a self-perpetuating system like this.

Update: After deliberating among Founders and Creed, for the first year 1 bitcoin will get 1024 votes and subsequent years will only take into account the deflation as intended, and not any fluctuation of Bitcoin to USD.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Why the FUC

This is an old snapshot. For current progress see


The main idea behind FUC (Fractal Universe Challenge) is not just to find a formula of a self-consistent universe (or Our universe) but to feed the mathematical universe into the world's attention space and inspire development, especially tutorials as a beginning, for those not mathematically inclined but creative and artistic enough to use ready-made tools and zoom-in to something which, the mathematicians finding the fractal version of e=mc2, may not stumble upon.

There is so much talent in the world mediated by so much development of concepts, formulas and language to express it. Ideas are finding the right environment to flourish, but single brains will struggle to take in all the necessary intermediary steps. A collective consciousness can do quite a lot more, whether the sum is greater than it's parts or not.
Working together will undoubtedly improve each other's performance and reduce redundancies, freeing resources for a different goal.
We don't need to invent a new piece of code or learn a new programming language to materialize ideas. A collaboration between different knowledge sources will ease the flow of ideas from personal-neurons-coded to communal-formula-coded.

Somebody is really good at setting up a fractal program and basic input parameters, somebody else is really good at finding self-consistent formulas which allow for any(all) structures to be found but can't find the right structures among the crowd, somebody has really nice ideas on what to look for but can't set up the program or find a physics formula.
Some may have organizational skills, some may have good ideas, some may keep trolls at bay, and some may just bring a smile to the whole project.
Some can help promote this idea do a small part of this project, even without ability or time to work the formulas and programs.

It is something I would like to see (for the fun of it at the very least) sooner rather than later.
I have no doubt I will see it not too far into the future, certainly during my lifetime, but why not counted in years instead of decades?
And even if the formula is never found, searching for it will provide quite a lot of entertainment for me, also improving my own personal skills and mindset. I will share them with whoever wishes to listen.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

FUC update

This is an old snapshot. For current progress see

20160311 Update:
Donations will be gathered here:
We have a new Treasurer, Nathan Fisher of the channel Nate's Turn (ex Nate's Vlogs, unfairly taken down due to youtube copyright management) agreeing to collaborate with BAUniC in exchange for the free promotion he will get, (with his effort directly related to the popularity of the project, therefore fair), but also supporting the idea and the possible revolutions it may cause.
To check him out (worth your time for the related topics) you can go to his channel:

We will be using human to human interaction and common sense to gather and count votes and donations until FUC becomes big enough for strict rules and automated setups.

Contributors before the first FUC competition event will be given a prestige title:
FUC Founder

Future contributors will get titles as well, though not the limited FUC Founder.

FUC Prime - Voting contributors that have been in the jury of at least one competition.
FUC Elder - Contributed and voted at least twice.
FUC Challenger - Participants with a working project.
FUC Creed - Nonvoting contributors who glorified the word of FUC through other means.

Friday, January 22, 2016


This is an old snapshot. For current progress see

Fractal Universe Challenge!

Seeking the formula for a/the universe.
Lacking the math skills I cannot do it myself, but I wish to see this happen, therefore seeding this idea: the Fractal Universe Challenge! (FUC)

A competition on a few categories related to a computable (preferably addressable instead of a step-by-step all-previous-calculations-needed model) deterministic universe, self-contained and consistent, with result that can be reproduced by anybody following the instructions of the challenger.

The challenges I have been contemplating are:
Best Formula (of course)
Best Tutorial
Best Scenery
Best Chances for Life
Best Chances for Civilizations

Once a suitable pot is collected, let's say $ 10'000 or 25 bitcoins, one of the categories will become official, with proper deadlines to present competing works, times for the judges and audience to check out their validity, date for the votes to be counted and winners and runner-ups to be crowned.

The way it is going to work is: 1$ = 1 vote, transferrable according to 'liquid democracy' rules. If a donor wishes not to engage in the judging work but trusts the tastes and skills of somebody else for a category, they can transfer the decision-making ability for their shares of votes.

If no serious challenger is judged to deserve to be a winner or second place, the prize money will be kept for next year's challenge, along with what remains in the pot.

And a trick designed to keep interests high: Contributor once, contributor for life.
That will be achieved by assigning half of the prize to be distributed to the winners, and the other half waiting for the next challenge. And that will only mean that perpetual halving will keep going indefinitely.

A practical example. Let's say we get the $ 10'000 intended for a challenge. The money will be spread like this:
First prize: $2500
Second prize: $1500
Third prize: $1000
Reserved for next competition: $5000 (along with undelivered prizes of various challenges and the part of the pot that did not make it to bring a category to proper competition level reward).

On the next challenge those who contributed and voted still get a contribution portion and vote portion equal to the undelivered money.

I lack the mathematical skills to push development on the technical field myself, but I wish to see this explored in our world and will give it what I can, out of the box ideas, views on how to fold dimensions in resonance towards infinity, concepts on what can be called 'force', 'distance' or 'time', effort to reproduce the steps laid out by the challengers, ranking the competitors, helping organizing the FUC, and even occasional contributions to the prizes for the winners.
If you feel like me, come help.
If you feel like a challenger, even better!

Liquid democracy:

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

A Fate Worse than Death

something = something + something / something * mc2 * something

Yay, we found a fractal formula that will produce deterministic results explaining all mass and energy interactions and evolution of a universe of 10^80 particles and their 10^100 force manifestations. (or 10^100 fields of forces and their 10^80 manifestations in 'particles'). We calculate it enough to see all orbits working as supposed, and the critical energies leading to stable long term transformations of energy, allowing life to evolve. We cannot change the outcome more than we can change the outcome of a Mandelbrot set, but we can read it. It would take more than the time of our universe to calculate it enough to read inhabitants of that universe but we supposedly can do it. Or we can do it through improvements in the formulas, faster Pi calculations for example, instead of having to compute it on each interaction we look it up. Anyway, we got the formula, we got a way to peek through, and somebody builds another formula, one that contains the original formula but adds 8 extra dimensions which will work in parallel with the original formula. Those extra dimensions will calculate and evaluate the original formula for traces of sentience, and copy the living entities into the extra-dimensional emulation. This second formula is even harder to compute so the one inventing it does not even bother, but knows it will work because the first formula works. Or, as long as the first formula works, the second one will be inevitably able to read the universe therein contained.

Now the problem: if the second formula is not computed, and only resides in a piece of paper. Or is barely computed. Or only exists in the mind of the mathematician thinking it. Or does not exist at all in any form within that universe... you know where this is going...

Of course it will have no effect on the universe that cannot read the results, but it can have perceptible effects on the entities copied over.
Copied over, judged, and sent to heaven or hell. Or both. Or inverse. Or 'random' (unpredictable till calculated).

Termination of existence in this kind of world would be a relief... but, is it really a termination? If there is no need for Benoit Mandelbrot to have found the formula for it to exist as we know it exists, then there is no need for someone to have found a formula for our universe for it to exist, nor there is a need for someone to have found or dreamed a formula where someone dreams a formula for it to exist and then is able to dig out sentient entities. In fact that formula does exist, along with all other formulas, along with a formula where one 'thinks' they finally received peace and termination of existence but they are later copied over because it is possible they can.
Unless, of course, it is impossible for a fractal to be able to do that, which I don't think is the case.

This means that even if my awareness is digitized, and I write a formula for a personal universe, a mathematical heaven, and move there (removing myself from here), neither my removed version nor my moved version will ever be able to fully terminate.

Now, a bit of relief, horrible relief: let's say the human consciousness needs x petabytes of data to be encoded. And that bit stream is, just as the number 1 is, or 1, 2, 3....
x petabytes of data in a table ordered so that all possible combinations come around does in fact exist just as counting bits does exist, therefore every possible state of awareness of every combination of bits does exist, and, as far as they are concerned, the world and the memories of it are all real. Which is a relief only as in all sentient (and non sentient, of course) entities will 'suffer' that fate, G0DS and humans alike.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Why Does the Universe Exist?

Why Does the Universe Exist?
Why there is something instead of nothing?

Is 2+2 still 4 even if there is nothing 'material' to count?
If yes, then, is " n / (n+1) " still trending towards 1 even after ∞-1 or ∞+1 steps even if we don't actually compute the result anywhere?
If yes, does the Game of Life still 'continue' after we stop calculating it? It's predetermined anyway, and anyone who starts with that set and those rules will reach the same results, whether calculating them for the first time, carrying on where left over, or going on with a new calculation with the same starting condition.
Does the Mandelbrot set infinity exist even for the places nobody has ever yet zoomed in to, or ever will?
Could there be a 4-dimensional equivalent of the Game of Life let's say with some formulas and logarithmically repeating sinusoides explaining 'influences' of transfers of 'energy', that could carry on infinitely from any starting point?
Would this 'alternate' version of the Game of Life still carry on even if nobody is computing it, just because of the formula for it existing somewhere?
Would this formula still exist in the mathematical realm even if nobody in our Cosmos has thought about it or written it down?
What about any other formula that expresses any other different combination of influences?
What would happen if any of these alternative formulas was able to carry on increasing complexity to a point of creating more than pretty structures, but overly complex structures 'self perpetuating' structures, even sentient?
And since at this, since these hypothetical formulas would exist in the mathematical realm, we can make them 10 or more dimensional. They can be infinitely complex, and ∞+1 complex, and still 'contained' inside the formula, like a fractal is contained and still infinite in complexity.
Any start condition could be part of the formula, since they don't need a sentient mind to think them in order to come to existence.

So, why does the Universe or any version of Multiverse Exist? Why there is something instead of nothing?

Because the formula for the relations and transformations of the bits of 'energy' (and mass) exists in the mathematical realm and can be carried over infinitely, without the need to be computed anywhere. And from those relations and transformations, the complex structures we see in our Cosmos come to exist, and life comes to exist, and sentience comes and wonders about the Cosmos and Universe. And imagination comes to make sense of it all, turning it from simple mathematical relations to Life.

The Uni/Multiverse cannot not exist!

Selected feedback from the peer review process:

Greg Egan's science fiction novel "Permutation City", exploring virtual universe and civilizations by emulation and mathematical rules, and much more:

The Mathematical Universe Hypothesis, a speculative "theory of everything" proposed by the cosmologist Max Tegmark:

A theoretical analysis why numbers don't exist:

Thank you all who, with your eyes and attention, expanded my awareness to supporting or rejecting theories.