Tuesday, February 16, 2016

FUC by example

This is an old snapshot. For current progress see baunic.blogspot.com


Instead of decreasing the quantity of votes proportional to the prizes delivered to the Fractal Universe Challenge (FUC) winners, I thought it will be better keeping the exact number of votes already out, and decreasing the prize of purchase of new votes. The rates are exactly the same but this way is better for peace of mind and calculations.

The formula of the necessary exchanges are:

Year(n)VotePrice = Year(n-1)VotePrice * Year(n-1)FUCpotBeforeChallenge / Year(n-1)FUCpotFinal
Year(n)FUCpotFinal = Year(n-1)FUCpotFinal + Donations - DeliveredPrizes

For example:

Year 1: Votes are sold at 1:1
Alice donates 10 coins, buys 10 votes.
Bob donates 20 coins, buys 20 votes and gives half of his voting decision for the next few challenges to Alice to impress her.
Clara will write & photograph #FUC over her buttocks for donations in her name to the FUC project, and gathers 35 votes this way.
Total votes: 65 (Alice 10+10; Bob 20-10; Clara 35)
FUCpotBC (BeforeChallenge): 65 (enough for one challenge at 25; 1st prize 10, 2nd prize 5, 3rd prize 4, 4th prize 3, 5th prize 2, 6th prize 1)
Challenge takes 15 coins instead of 25 because only 2 projects are actually working with replicable results.
FUCpotFinal: 50 (enough for another challenge next year even without new donations)

Year 2: Votes sold at 50/65 of last year's price.
Daniel donates 10 coins, buys 13 votes.
Total votes: 78 (Alice 20; Bob 10; Clara 35; Daniel 13)
FUCpotBC: 60
Challenge takes 25
FUCpotFinal: 35

Year 3: Votes are sold at 35/60 of last year's price, (35*50)/(60*65)
Evi donates 10 coins, buys 22 votes.
Total votes: 100 (Alice 10; Bob 20; Clara 35; Daniel 13; Evi 22)
FUCpotBC: 45 (not enough for a challenge as prizes could take more than 50% of the pot)
Challenge forced hiatus. FUCpotFinal = FUCpotBC

Year 4: Votes are sold at Y3 prizes, ~10/22 of Y1
Viral marketing donations get 1000 coins, 2228 votes
Total votes: 2328 (100 Y3 voters, 2228 Y4 voters)
FUCpotBC: 1045 (enough for the arranged maximum of 5 challenges a year)
Challenge takes 100 coins from 125 max (some prizes go unclaimed, some project discarded)
FUCpotFinal: 945

Year 5: Votes are sold at 945/1045 of Y4 price
Fabian donates 10 coins, buys 24 votes (rounded down integers)
Total votes: 2352
FUCpotBC: 955
Challenge takes 125 coins (all prizes of all 5 challenges are delivered, worthy projects)
FUCpotFinal: 830

Year 6: Votes are sold at 830/945 of Y5 price
10 coin donation buys 28 votes, 1 coin donation buys 2 votes
And so on. Which is as intended for a self-perpetuating system like this.

Update: After deliberating among Founders and Creed, for the first year 1 bitcoin will get 1024 votes and subsequent years will only take into account the deflation as intended, and not any fluctuation of Bitcoin to USD.

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